Who are we?

Custom Concrete Products Pty Ltd, formerly known as Kangocrete Pty Ltd, is an Australian owned and operated family business located on Brisbane's southside.

We supply our standard and custom concrete products across the East Coast of Australia. We've been making high quality landscaping and structural concrete products for over 15 years and all of our products are handmade and manufactured on site by our hardworking team.

Our aim is to provide top quality service and products to our customers and clients. We pride ourselves in making sure our products are durable, are designed correctly and are fit for purpose. If you have any questions, click on the contacts section to put you in contact with our friendly staff.

Pricing varies depending on customer location and order specifications. Please call us for all quotes and special orders.

Design and Engineering

We work with Engineering professionals to design and certify concrete step treads and other structural products for landscaping and construction applications across South East Queensland. If you have any questions or would like a quote, please contact us.

We utilise CAD packages to design client requested products and expand our product range. If you need any custom 3D printed parts, we're happy to work with you to provide a solution.